Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Finding a Reputable Corgi Breeder

 The favored dog of Queen Elizabeth is the low-slung Corgi, a herding breed that is super smart and very loyal. When people think of a corgi, the iconic “Corgi butt” may come to mind; fluffy “pants” and a very short tail. However, the Corgi does come in two different varieties: Pembroke Welsh Corgi (no tail) and Cardigan Welsh Corgi.

With the rise in puppy scammers and so many people falling victim, it is more important than ever to do your due diligence and search out a reputable Corgi breeder. Reputable breeders do tend to charge more for their puppies, but the amount of research, resources, time, and energy put into their breeding program makes the higher prices worth it. 

A good breeder will take the time to get to know you and the type of home you are able to provide a new puppy. If you are new to the breed, an ethical breeder will give you explain the pros and cons of owning a Corgi and dig a little deeper into your home and lifestyle to make sure this breed is a good choice for your home and family. 

These adorable herders can try the patience of a saint at times but they are super loyal and make a fantastic companion if you are willing and able to properly train them. A Corgi can be a challenge and is not the right breed for everyone. A good breeder will make sure you understand the personality of a Corgi and their needs as they grow into maturity. 

Too many times people see a cute puppy online and make an impulse purchase. A reputable breeder will encourage you to take a step back, evaluate the breed, and make sure you are ready for the commitment that a Corgi puppy needs for its entire life which can be anywhere from 12 years to 14 years. 

So, how do you avoid the scammers and the “bad” breeders? Keep reading to learn how to find a reputable breeder and not someone just putting dogs together to make puppies or a scammer who doesn’t even have any puppies. In this day and age, it can be frustrating and just a little scary when you are searching for your next four-legged companion. 

4 Types of Corgi Breeders 

While you most likely have heard the mantra: adopt don’t shop, when it comes to Corgis, adopting a rescue Corgi is difficult as they do not usually land in a shelter or rescue and you should be willing to work through any behavioral issues that the rescue Corgi may have. While adopting a dog in need is a noble thing to do, you do not want to end up with behavior problems you might not be equipped to handle. 

Therefore, purchasing a puppy or even an older Corgi that is being retired from a breeding program or show ring from a responsible breeder is probably your best bet. Most people do not realize there are several different types of dog breeders out there including hobby breeders, commercial breeders, backyard breeders, and show breeders. Sometimes a breeder can fall into two different categories such as hobby breeder that also shows, therefore they are a hobby/show breeder. 

Hobby breeders and show breeders will most likely be the breeders who have spent the most amount of time researching the breed, researching the genetics and bloodlines of their breeding dogs, and putting the most time and energy into their puppies. 

What is a Corgi backyard breeder? 

A backyard breeder is one who does not necessarily have dogs that are registered with the American Kennel Club (AKC), but instead are either unregistered or registered with a lesser registry such as America’s Pet Registry, Inc (APRI) or American Canine Association (ACA), United All Breed Registry (UAB), or Continental Kennel Club (CKC). 

These breeders will not have a set puppy nursery that is equipped for rearing healthy, well-adjusted puppies. They also most likely do not have pedigrees or family trees on the dogs they are breeding or researched the lineage to ensure that undesirable traits are being eradicated from the bloodline.

Genetic testing and health screenings on their adult Corgis are generally not done and if they have been done, the typical backyard breeder has not taken the time to educate themselves about what the genetic test results and health screenings mean. I see this a lot with several different breeds, breeders will advertise about genetic testing but not know what the diseases are that they are testing for or have done a "panel" of tests that do not commonly affect the breed. 

Backyard breeders are also under the assumption that if they are just selling puppies as family companions or pets, the results of genetic testing do not really matter. This is a big pet peeve of mine because if you are bringing puppies into this world, you are responsible for those puppies. A dog producing affected puppies should not be bred again. Creating puppies that could have severe health problems is an irresponsible breeding practice. 

Puppies from backyard breeders are probably friendly and generally free from infectious diseases. They will have, hopefully, had a vet checkup and first puppy vaccinations and been de-wormed at least three times before they go home. Federal law is that puppies must be eight weeks old before they can go home and that is generally when these breeders let puppies go. 

What is a Corgi hobby breeder? 

A hobby breeder, such as myself, is an experienced breeder and is constantly striving to improve their breeding
program and keep learning about the breed and innovative breeding and puppy rearing practices. A hobby breeder will take the time to get to know you and your family and make sure that the right puppy is chosen for your family. 

When I say the right puppy, I simply mean a good breeder knows the temperaments and little quirks of each of their puppies and will want to match a puppy with a perspective family based on their lifestyle. An active family will want a puppy that can keep up with them whereas a more sedate family will need a more malleable, quieter puppy. 

A hobby breeder has put their heart and soul into each puppy born and is invested in the health and well-being of their adults and puppies including a high-quality diet and exercise plan. Genetic testing will be completed as well as health screenings on their adults. Puppies will have had at least their first puppy vaccinations and have been de-wormed three or four times. 

Hobbyists do not generally release puppies at eight weeks of age but instead will start letting puppies go home around ten to twelve weeks of age; sometimes later depending on the size and mental development of the puppy. There have been times I have held a puppy back until they were closer to four or five months because I did not feel the puppy was ready to make the big transition into a new home. 

Hobby breeders will want you to stay in touch and send updates as your Corgi puppy grows. When you purchase a puppy from a hobby breeder, you become part of a big extended family. The breeder will be a resource for you from what types of toys and treats to training tips. 

Hobby breeders may have more than one breed, but they will not be mass-producing puppies from any of the breeds they have. So, if you see a breeder with more than one breed do not immediately assume commercial breeder (puppy mill), they can still be a hobbyist that is professional and practicing correct breeding procedures. 

What is a Corgi show breeder? 

A show breeder and a hobby breeder many times go hand-in-hand. A show breeder is also many times called a preservation breeder. They are working hard to preserve the integrity of the breed. A hobby breeder and a show breeder will typically have puppies priced close to the same and those prices are generally more than a backyard breeder or a commercial breeder. 

A show breeder will do genetic testing and health screenings on their dogs as well as feeding quality food and having a dedicated exercise program to keep their dogs in top shape for the show ring. AKC registration on all their dogs will be a must for a show breeder; sometimes they will have dual registrations depending on where they show such as United Kennel Club (UKC), International All Breed Canine Association (IABCA), Canadian Kennel Club (CKC), or Federation Cynologique Internationle (FCI). 

Sometimes, a show breeder can be intimidating when you are just searching for a companion to love and you are not looking for a show dog. But most are willing to talk with you regarding their puppies and are a great resource and a wonderful way to network to find the right breeder for you. 

Do not expect to get a puppy from a show breeder at 8 weeks of age, most will hold their best puppies until they are around twelve weeks and sometimes later. A show breeder may even hold back an entire litter to grow until they pick which one (or ones) they want to continue on with in the show ring. Expect to wait for a puppy from a show breeder. 

What is a Corgi commercial breeder? 

Some people will often refer to commercial breeders as corporate breeders or the dreaded phrase “puppy mills” or “puppy farms”. It truly depends on how their state classifies them in regards to licensing laws and regulations. In my state, they are commercial breeders and are breeding dogs for the purpose of making a living. 

Commercial breeders will mass-produce litters and will have a whelping barn or whelping building instead of having the puppies born in their home and closely monitored as they grow. There are generally several litters born around the same time making socialization of each puppy difficult. The puppies, and adult dogs, are having their basic needs met but most of the time anything beyond that does not happen. 

Puppies born to commercial breeders are generally sold to pet shops or brokers who have buyers lined up for these puppies. The commercial breeder does not usually sell their puppies out the door to individuals but when they do, the prices are cheaper than a hobby or show breeder but there has been no genetic testing or general health screening of the breeding dogs. 

Most commercial breeders will have several breeds and will mass-produce puppies in each breed they have. Their dogs are not generally AKC registered, but will offer either unregistered puppies or one of the lesser registries. A commercial breeder really does not stay in contact with puppy buyers or offer a long-term contract or health warranty. 

An interesting fact that most people do not know is that the lesser registries such as APRI, ACA, CKC, and UAB were created by puppy mills or commercial breeders who had their AKC paperwork pulled due to violations with the American Kennel Club, meaning the AKC conducted an investigation and felt the breeder was not correctly keeping paperwork or following responsible breeding practices. 

How to Buy a Corgi Puppy from a Reputable Breeder 

Always research your breeder before you commit to purchasing a puppy. Scammers are everywhere so your first step is to determine that the person you are in contact with is an actual breeder. Once you have determined that the person is real and a breeder, then you start asking questions and getting to know the breeder. 

A reputable breeder will want to speak with you on the telephone and not just through texts and emails. They will want to know you, your family, the environment that the puppy will be raised, your history with the breed, your expectations of a puppy, etc. The breeder will have a lot of questions for you so do not get frustrated or think they are being nosy. Breeders who care want to learn as much about you as you want to learn about them. 

I always tell people to make a list of questions before making contact with a breeder and be prepared to answer questions. When I have a potential buyer contact me and they are not willing to share much about themselves or their expectations of a new puppy, I do not feel comfortable placing a puppy with them and will tell them they need to look elsewhere. 

Each breeder has their own set way of interviewing potential puppy buyers that range from filling out an application and submitting references to having to do phone interviews and submitting photos of your yard and home. If a breeder does not ask you questions or seems to push you to make an impulse purchase, that should be a red flag. You want to know your breeder cares enough about their puppies. 

A misconception that many people have is that a reputable breeder will always allow people to come to their homes and visit with mom and puppies. At one time, this was definitely the norm. But, with the changes in society and more knowledge of infectious diseases, breeders have opted to become closed kennels. This means the general public is not allowed into their homes or areas where their dogs and puppies are raised. 

Breeders who do not allow you to come to their homes are not trying to hide anything from you, they are trying to protect themselves and their puppies. There have been instances where breeders have been robbed, puppies stolen, and breeders injured or murdered. There have also been instances where people have unknowingly brought in infectious diseases such as parvovirus and puppies have become extremely sick and died. 

You can network on social media, look at AKC Marketplace, look for breed specialty clubs and ask about breeder referrals, go to local dog shows, or do basic internet searches to find a good, reputable breeder. Always research a potential breeder and learn as much as you can about them. A website and social media presence that is established and updated often is a good indication that they are a real breeder. The next step is to look at social media and see what others are saying about this breeder. And finally, talk to the breeder and ask plenty of questions. 

How Much Does a Corgi Puppy Cost? 

That is definitely a loaded question. Corgi prices are all over the board and can range from $500 all the way to $2500 depending on location, color, genetics, pedigree, size, coat type, and gender. Obviously, cheaper priced Corgi puppies will not be from champion bloodlines or AKC registered puppies. Cheaper puppies most likely will be unregistered or registered with a lesser registry. 

A hobby or show breeder will charge more for their puppies as they have more invested in their puppies, both heart and money, and they will stand behind their puppies with a solid contract that guarantees genetic defects. They will take the time to educate you about the breed and steer you toward the puppy they feel is best suited for your family. 

If you see a breeder advertising their puppies and they use the phrase rare, unique, or exotic you will want to be on alert as these are red flags that the breeder is attempting to pull the wool over your eyes. An exotic or rare or even unique color does not mean that puppy is automatically worth thousands of dollars. 

How to Choose a Reputable Corgi Breeder 

As I have said throughout, research breeders, ask questions, and do your homework. Do not just look at a puppy online, think it is cute, and hit the “Buy It Now” button to purchase. You want to speak directly with the breeder, ask questions, answer their questions, and get to know each other. 

You are not just purchasing a puppy when you buy from a reputable breeder, you are building a relationship that will last for the duration of that puppy’s life. You are always encouraged to do your own research when looking for a new Corgi puppy to love.

Check breeder reputations and other details 

Social media is a great tool these days but it should not be the end all be all when it comes to researching a breeder’s reputation. Anyone can post a good review or a bad review so ask about any bad reviews you see. If you see a lot of negative, you know to move on to someone else, if it is one or two, dig a little deeper and make your own decision. A social media account that is new or has followers and friends all in a foreign country should raise a red flag and you will want to research more about this particular breeder. 

You can also call or email the American Kennel Club and ask about a breeder to see if they have ever had any violations. Look at the breeder’s website and ask about references. A reputable breeder will have no problem giving you good references. Breed clubs are a good way to find reputable breeders, but there are several reputable breeders who are not part of a kennel club so a basic search of the breeder will net you a lot of information. 

MYTH: meetings should always take place where the mom and puppies are kept 

While this was the norm years ago and many backyard breeders will still push this myth, most reputable breeders will not allow you to have access to their nursery or even their home. There have been too many crimes committed against breeders in recent years including theft of puppies, and injury or even death of the breeder. I always meet in a public place or if someone comes to my home, I do not allow them inside and I have two or more people with me as a way to protect myself and the puppy buyer.

Another reason breeders do not allow you near the puppies’ mom or even the littermates is the rise in communicable diseases. Parvovirus has several different strains and you can easily walk that virus into a litter of puppies simply by walking where an infected dog has defecated, even if it has been cleaned up. A conscientious breeder will be very protective of their puppies. 

Reputable breeders will have no problem providing photos, videos, and updates on puppies as they grow. While some breeders will gladly FaceTime with a potential puppy buyer, others will send videos of the puppies playing or photos with the date or person’s name to prove the puppies are real and they are not a scammer. Most breeders will protect their photos and videos with a watermark so scammers cannot steal them. 

Check the Corgi puppy has a clean and healthy appearance 

Before you decide to put a deposit down on a puppy, you can look at photos and videos and determine if the puppy looks clean and healthy. A puppy that appears dirty in a photo most likely is not living in the best sanitary environment. That is not to say that a breeder will not post a photo of the puppies playing in the dirt, but they should also post photos of the puppies after a bath and looking fresh. 

When you meet your new puppy in person you will want to look at the puppy’s overall appearance. If the coat is dull or skin flaky, this is a concern for internal and external parasites. All puppies should have a healthy body weight for their breed, puppies with excessively large tummies but thin in other places could indicated internal parasites. 

A puppy should be alert with bright eyes, they should have nice pink gums and clean teeth, and they should not have an odor. Be sure to check ears to make sure they are clean and do not have a foul odor and if it is a male puppy, check to see If both testicles have descended into the scrotum. Check to see if the puppies’ toenails have been trimmed. 

You will also want to check for any hernias, this includes umbilical and inguinal. An umbilical hernia is like having a belly button and generally is not life-threatening. The procedure to have an umbilical hernia repaired is relatively simple and is usually done during a spay or neuter. Some vets even opt to not repair an umbilical hernia if it is not too large. 

An inguinal hernia is located in the groin and can be life-threatening. Surgery for an inguinal hernia is more invasive and the puppy does have a longer recovery time. Inguinal hernias occur when there is a weak spot in the intestinal wall and the intestine pushes through, creating an opening or hole. If a large portion of the intestine pushes through it can cause the intestine to strangulate and death can occur.

Puppies Are Ready To Go Home After 8 Weeks, Not Before 

There are so many misconceptions regarding when a female dog will wean her young. Generally speaking, a larger breed dog will wean their puppies earlier than a smaller breed dog. Some will wean as early as five or six weeks while others may be closer to eight to ten weeks.

For a Corgi, most reputable breeders will release pet puppies to go home at eight weeks of age. Puppies showing promise for the show ring or as future breeders are generally held back until 10 and 12 weeks of age and sometimes even longer. Breeders want to make certain the puppies are thriving without mom and will transition into a new home without too much stress. 

What Paperwork comes with a puppy from a Breeder? 

This can be a tricky question as each breeder will give different paperwork to the new owners. If you are purchasing a family companion or pet, you may get registration papers at the time of sale or papers may be withheld since you are just purchasing a companion. The breeder will make that clear at the time of the deposit or sale. 

With the creation of the “lesser” pet registries, many reputable breeders have begun holding the registration papers of their pet puppies. Registries such as APRI, ACA, and CKC do not honor the wishes of breeders and will register puppies with full breeding rights even if the breeder specifies the puppy is not to be bred. 

AKC registrations that have been marked “limited” meaning the puppy’s offspring cannot be registered with the AKC have been transferred by dishonest people to the other registries and the dog then bred despite the breeder placing the puppy as a pet and not a breeding dog. If you are adamant that you have to have registration papers, purchase a puppy that the breeder is willing to place with papers such as one of the show or breeding prospects. 

You should also expect a health record that shows all the vaccinations, de-wormings, flea treatments (if any), and any other pertinent health information. 

A sales agreement and health guarantee will also be provided if the breeder offers one. The sales agreement will typically act as your bill of sale and will lay out the terms of the sale as you and the breeder have agreed upon. Some breeders offer a health guarantee and this should always be in writing and duly signed by you and the breeder. 

Advice From Author/Pembroke Corgi Breeder 

Having been a breeder myself since 1996 but growing up in a home with parents who were hobby/show breeders (and my daughter now taking over the Corgi program), I have to say that the way people choose a puppy today is definitely different from how they did so in the 90s. Today, we have more tools at our disposal such as the internet and social media. Breeders now have websites where they showcase their dogs and can be found promoting them on social media. 

Photos and videos, and even FaceTime, are the main tools when picking your new puppy. You can connect with breeders from around the world to find the right puppy for your family and easily pay to have that puppy transported to you. With the advancement of technology, scammers are running rampant. It is important to protect yourself as best you can when purchasing a puppy online. 

I admit, I have been the victim of two scammers. The first one I researched and knew she was indeed a breeder, spoke with her on the phone, saw photos of the puppies. I picked the puppy I wanted and sent the purchase price plus the cost to have the puppy shipped. The that arrived was not the puppy I picked and the breeder refused to acknowledge that this was not the right puppy. The breeder also refused to send any paperwork on the puppy and to top it off, the puppy was sick. 

The second time I was scammed happened when I purchased a puppy from someone who was recommended to me and they took my money but did not send a puppy until four months later and again, this was not the puppy I had picked. I did get registration papers but requested DNA comparisons through AKC and it was determined that that puppy was not out of the sire and dam that the breeder claimed. It was a mess to untangle! 

It is scary when trying to find your next family member, so take your time, talk with breeders, don’t be afraid to ask for references, and do your own research. Don’t let your heart lead you and don’t make an impulse buy. You want to be certain the puppy you choose has had the best possible start in life. Websites that have “Buy It Now” buttons should be avoided as it could be a scammer site or the breeder obviously does not care about the home the puppy will be getting. 

Asking for a deposit does not mean someone is a scammer, if they ask for you to send a deposit in the form of gift cards, run as fast as you can. A breeder will never ask for a gift card. Cash apps are also loved by scammers but reputable breeders will also use them. I do not use cash apps myself but know of several breeders who do. 

Once a deposit is accepted, the breeder will stay in contact with you and send updates. I send videos and photos weekly to my puppy families who have deposits so they get to see their puppy grow. I have ever done weekly updates from three weeks (when I accept the deposit) all the way up to 12 weeks when the puppy goes home. Reputable breeders will go the extra mile. 

Reputable breeders will take the time to talk with you, snap photos, take videos, and be there to answer your questions. Do not be surprised if the breeder has a list of questions they want to ask you. Responsible Collie breeders will want to know about you and your home before they are comfortable placing a puppy with you. 

Do not, I repeat, do not purchase a puppy from a pet store or a third party. You want to purchase your new puppy directly from the breeder so you know more about the parents of the puppy, the overall breeding practices of the breeder, and any health screenings that have been done. A pet store does not have any information on the puppy’s parents or the breeder. 

I cannot stress this enough, but in this day and age of technology, a good old fashioned phone call will give you more information about a breeder than a text or email or social media post will ever give you. It is acceptable to make initial contact via text, email, or social media but you will want to follow up with a phone call. I never place a puppy with someone that I have not spoken with on the phone. 

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